Blurred photo taken of the USPS Building Bridges Special Postal Cancellation Feb 23 2019 by Karen Earle Lile is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Karen Earle Lile gives permission for this photo to be used by Wikipedia and other non-commercial organizations to mark the historical event at SF Jazz Center on February 23, 2019 when USPS issued a USPS Building Bridges Special Postal Cancellation commemorating the 80th Year of Music Recorded in San Francisco. The Building Bridges symbol is a copyright of Karen Earle Lile and Kendall Ross Bean and has been used by USPS by permission continuously in a series of special postal cancellations by the United States Postal Service. The unique drawing in the rectangle to the right of the Building Bridges Logo was illustrated by Aneka K. Bean, who gave USPS permission to use the illustration as part of this cancellation. San Francisco Postmaster Abraham Cooper spoke at the ceremony at the start of the Family Matinee w/ Linda Tillery & The Cultural Heritage Choir in the Miner Auditorium to a live audience and live streamed to the public. The stamp on the SF Jazz Envelope cachett is the Gregory Hines Forever Stamp.
USPS Building Bridges Special Postal Cancellation Feb 23 2019 by Karen Earle Lile is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0